Bissell MYair Purifier 2 Packs - $100 (60% off)
Bissell MYair Purifier (2Packs) is on sale now. It's only $100 - original price is $250.74 (60% off).
Item Description
3-in-1 Filter
Catches large and fine airborne particles like hair, dust, pollen, and other allergens.
Activated Carbon Component
Absorbs common household odors from pets and cooking when they pass through the filter.
Filter Change Indicator
Alerts you when it's time to change the filter.
Pleasing Sound Levels
High fan speed is the perfect white noise while the Low and Sleep fan speeds are subtle and quiet.
Night Light Feature
Turn the light on or off depending on your sleeping preferences.
Sleep Mode Function
Purify the air around you while you sleep without any disruption=
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